Saturday, August 15, 2015

Bearded Dragon Feeding Chart

What can bearded dragons eat food should consist of a combination of plant materials, vertebrates and invertebrates. Plant food should consist of a variety of green feed (Beardie greens) including leafy greens like leaves and herbs and other plant materials like fruit, vegetables and flowers.
The diet of your beardie will change through the course of its life cycle. Diets of juvenile beardies will consist of roughly eight percent insects and only twenty percent greens. This will adapt as your pet beardie grows.
The bulk of Beardie food should include invertebrates like commercial bearded dragon crickets, Dubia roaches and other feeder cockroaches, silkworms and Phoenix worms. Other less desirable insects include mealworms, superworms, Trevo worms, and waxworms. The occasional nestling mice can also be offered.
You can include other types of vegetables in your beardies diet such as green beans, peas and squash. The smallest part of the diet should be composed of fruit matter. Fruits that can be fed to your beardie include apples, grapes, cantaloupe, berries and blueberries.
Vegetables and fruit needs to be broken down into small pieces and mixed together. This will hopefully encourage your beardie to eat all the food and not pick through it for his favourite tit bits.
What can bearded dragons eat  your beardie include Lightening bugs, also known as fireflies. These should never be fed to you beardie! They contain phosphorous and are therefore extremely poisonous. Do not feed them to your beardie!
Other foods include raw meat, horn worms,  frogs, toads, lizards, citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and lemons.

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